Saturday, September 1, 2007

My first step to promote peace.

I wanted to start a blog from many days, but none of my experiences were worth mentioning to the world until today(1st sept 2007) when We The Public united.

There were two bomb blasts on 25th Aug 2007, one at lumbini park and the other at gokul chat, Hyderabad. The devastating bomb blast took more than 40 lives. These blasts caused terror among the hyderabadies. The crowd showed their fear by sticking to the safety of their home instead of going out to relax. The public restricted their entertainment to viewing television and listening to radio.

While this was the effect of the terror, there started an idea among the public to unite in peace and condemn the terrorist activities. A thread was started in a community called "Hyderabad" of a social networking site called Orkut ( So the idea took shape when many decided to walk peacefully in unity and to show their spirit.

Every social action takes up a shape and turns into a belief. The society stands on those believes and the culture and the way of life is mainly dependent on those believes. For example Sati the wife of Dakhsha was so overcome at the demise of her husband that she immolated herself on his funeral pyre and burnt herself to ashes, and since then her name 'Sati' has come to be symptomatic of self-immolation by a widow. Social belief of a society depends upon its social ideal. If the ideal is wrong, the belief is immoral, like in the case of Sati. The idea of a peace march showing courage opposing the ideas of terrorism is very noble.

My participation in the peace march gives me the satisfaction of starting a belief in the society that i hope will help in shaping up a peaceful and happy living in Hyderabad.


Queen of Contradictionz said...

A wonderfully organized event.. N narrated equally well! U rock Sidhu.. way 2 go!

siduck said...

thank you queen... loved your comment.

Unknown said...

A very nice way to assert your idea. It was a very brave gesture. I hope people get over the shock quickly.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

CHEERS [:)] Proud of ya ...

=d> It truly is a noble move [:)]
very well explained ...The Sati example really elucidates the correlation between social beliefs and social customs < niice example..ur GK is growing..keep it up[:D]

siduck said...

thanks a lot for your comments my dear friends.